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Economy 101

Anything to do with economy, budget, taxpayers money and trade

Malaysia 101: Why We Are Lacking Money for Schools?

Classroom School Malaysia Design

(How well we have designed our with the right that is conducive for better learning? Are we spending on real that will create doctors, engineers and scientists or wasting it to create religious teachers? Image source: Wikipedia)

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Economy 101: Taxing Petrol Subsidy Gone But…

Petrol Station Subsidy Malaysia

A long, long time ago, when the petrol price was increased, one “work-with-me” PM vowed to use the RM4 billion saved on petrol on the development of public transportation. Photo by sergio souza from Pexels

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Economy 101: So, What Is New in NEM? Part 2

education Bakri Musa NEM

(Dr Bakri Musa’s posts have always been interesting and thought-provoking all the time and he did not waste time demolishing the foundation of the fresh-baked NEM. Image source:

For those who have not read M Bakri Musa’s excellent post on titled “NEM and NEP – Only One Letter Different!” you should give it a serious read – it is interesting and thought-provoking.

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Economy 101: So, What Is New in NEM? Part 1

NEM Economy Najib New Economic Model

(‘s – looks good on paper but will it stick in reality? Can Malaysians afford to make that leap of faith with Najib’s ideas and face the world? Image source: Research Gate)

Najib has just launched NEM or in full, New Economic Model (some says identical to Pakatan Rakyat’s economy model) which supposedly replaces the New Economic . But the question is what the impact on and its people is?

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2 Tier Fuel Pricing System: Please Don’t Fuel Stupidity


(Photo source:

Just assuming that this is what was truly said, it just reaffirms the notion that stupid statements can also comes from anyone including the oppositions.

From theStar:-

JOHOR BARU: A two-tier fuel pricing system for foreign registered vehicles will adversely affect the of the city.

Johor DAP chairman Dr Boo Cheng Hau said such a move would inconvenience both foreigners and local businesses dependent on the Singaporean clientele.

[Click to read the rest] “2 Tier Fuel Pricing System: Please Don’t Fuel Stupidity”

Economy 101: 30 Cents Fuel Price Increase – Time to Boycott Some Restaurants

restaurant price increase

When the announcement on the fuel price was made, the near my work place lost not time increasing the food prices.

It cost us more now for breakfast and lunch at this restaurant now  – went up from RM1.00 to RM1.20, burger up by another 20 cents and roti canai up by another 10 cents.… [Click to read the rest] “Economy 101: 30 Cents Fuel Price Increase – Time to Boycott Some Restaurants”

RM100 isn’t much today

An interesting topic in The Star today and I must agree there that RM100 is indeed not much today but is it?

Now let’s see that again based on my daily expenses

A) When I was studying Law part time and working full time (almost 10 years ago)

Transportation: RM2.00 bus fare to and fro my house to KL (then I walk from the bus station to my work place, almost 5 kilometers away and walk again to the college – no wonder I was slim and very healthy then)

Food total: RM3.50 based on RM1.00 (“ biasa” or 3 kari-puffs, either one for almost everyday!

[Click to read the rest] “RM100 isn’t much today”

Gambling 101: Striking Jackpot RM12.7 million


The heat is on for 6/49 Sports Toto Jackpot now standing at RM12.7 million. The fever is everywhere with small time punters dreaming of striking the big one. The fever has not escaped my office and already there are “consortiums” to pool the money to purchase the tickets. I would not deny it; I am also part of a “consortium” hoping to strike the big one myself.

[Click to read the rest] “Gambling 101: Striking Jackpot RM12.7 million”