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July 2005

Know Your Car Basics 101: 5 Factors In Car Tires Maintenance

tire sidewall car

It is sad but many do not know how to take care of their tires (and battery and engine and etc). Improper inflation not only cause high consumption of fuel (a big issue here) and increase the wear & tear of the tires but it also can be very dangerous as it affects the traction control, grip and braking.

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NEP for Non-Malays

After weeks of heavy discussion and reporting on the UMNO General Assembly and how the UMNO Youth is campaigning for the Malays by asking an extension of the crutch (aka NEP), many of us have expressed our comments, alternative steps and some, dissatisfaction via forums, blog and etc. Read here, here, here and here for some interesting comments.
[Click to read the rest] “NEP for Non-Malays”

Movie Review: War of the Worlds 2005, Good But Disappointed for Wrong Reasons

world of the worlds movie

of the worlds is a classic story by H.G. Wells (mind you, it came out in 1898!) but how much difference that can make in his remake movie in 2005? That was the thought running through my mind when I saw the movie showing at my local theatre. Image source:

After hearing about the movie and seeing that it got an “A” rating in The Star, I and my wife set aside our Sunday to see the movie.

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Makeup for men

I went to last week and my wife stopped to buy facial cream. I was glancing through the products and surprisingly there are more grooming products for men now compared to 10 years ago.

How things have changed. I still remember of the time when I was still riding motorbike to work, I actually had 2 types of facial wash (one is a backup lor) in my bag.

[Click to read the rest] “Makeup for men”

Satire 101: 8 Funny Things I Noticed in Tesco Hypermarket

tesco hypermarket funny

I usually go to Tesco Puchong once a week for shopping (one of the main items is diapers for my son) and whilst my wife is busy with her shopping list, I and my son usually stand aside with our shopping cart observing the other shoppers.

Read More »Satire 101: 8 Funny Things I Noticed in Tesco Hypermarket

Indian Feng Shui (Made Simple)

You have heard about it before …it is similar to Chinese’s art of feng shui. It is called Vaastu (Sastra). Vaastu dates back to the times when the sages lived – probably 6,000 – 3,000 BC.

How Vaastu works

Vaastu works on three principles of design that cover the entire premise:-

1) The first one is Bhogadyam, which says that the designed premise must be useful and lend itself to easy application

2) The second is Sukha Darsham, in which the designed premise must be aesthetically pleasing.

[Click to read the rest] “Indian Feng Shui (Made Simple)”

Africa not happy with the “crumbs hand out” from G8?


The Washington Times in its commentaries said this (which pretty much ties up what I wanted to say on the topic):-

“Twenty years ago, Mr. Geldof organized the similar Live Aid concerts and reportedly raised $2 billion for African famine relief. Missing from this charity, however, is a clear understanding of the problem’s causes.

[Click to read the rest] “Africa not happy with the “crumbs hand out” from G8?”