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Military 101: FA-50 Fighting Eagles Light Combat Jet Fighter Finalised For Malaysia’s RMAF

KAI F-50 FA-50 RMAF Korean Jet Fighter

The “Fighting Eagle” which started as an advanced trainer, T-50 is a joint venture between South Korea’s Korea Aerospace Industries with US-based Lockheed Martin and is in service primarily in the South Air Force with 60 fighter jets and in all South East Asia countries except Singapore & Brunei. Image source: Wikipedia

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Malaysian Movie Review 101: Air Force: The Movie 2022 – Powerful But Failed Expectations

PASKAU Air Force RMAF Special Force

One of the key elements of the Royal Malaysian Air Force () that is often not in the limelight is the branch’s special force unit called Pasukan Khas Udara or in short and they handle special warfare, search & rescue & security coverage missions. It is said that PASKAU received training from the UK’s famed Special Air Service (SAS) and the US Special Operations Forces (SOF). Image source: Wikipedia

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Military 101: Revisiting RMN’s Brilliant 15 to 5 Transformation Program

RMN Frigate KD Lekiu Jebat Navy Ship

has a difficult mission to perform which is to protect ‘s maritime interest and protect almost 4,700 kilometers of coastline from any unwanted intrusions. And yet, its fleet is insufficient and aging compared to a small country like Singapore where it only has a coastline of 200 kilometers to protect and has a very modern, capable fleet. Image source: Wikipedia

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Military 101: Malaysian’s Sukhoi-30MKM – Agile, Beautiful & Needs Upgrades

Sukhoi Su-30MKM RMAF TUDM Russian Jet Fighter

No matter which angle you look at it, the Russian-made Su-30MKM is still one of the most beautiful fighters around and is far superior to many current Western, modern jet fighters. In addition to the earlier 16 units of Russian-made MiG-29N, deployed 18 of these multi-role fighters in 2007 to complement the 8 US-made F/A-18D multi-role fighter that was deployed in 1997. Image source: Wikipedia.

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Military 101: New Dedicated Maritime Patrol Craft, ATR-72MP Leonardo

RMAF TUDM CN-235 Transport Military Maritime Patrol

Any country that has a vast shoreline to patrol like should have a large fleet of dedicated medium and long-range that is capable of performing hours of patrolling and can perform secondary missions like search & rescue and anti- warfare. Presently this role is being taken with some modifications by the Indonesia-made transport plane. Image source: Wikipedia.

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Military 101: Dedicated Light Combat Helicopter: Time For Malaysian Army To Have One?

Combat Helicopter Blue Thunder Military

When it comes to combat helicopters, one of our favourites would be the fictional attack helicopters from TV & movie, Airwolf and Blue Thunder. Between, one can rate Blue Thunder as a light considering that it is based on French-made Aérospatiale SA-341G Gazelles and has plenty of props bolted on for the movie. Image source: Harvard Film Archive.

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Military 101: Why Often Famous Military Themed Movies Get Military Tactics Wrong?

F-14 Fighter Jet Military Tactic Air Force

When it comes to assets and -themed , you will hardly remember movies like Top Gun as there is nothing much of tactics there except for Tom Cruise and the beautiful shots of F-14 Tomcats facing the Russian MiGs (which are actually Northrop F-5Es in camouflage). Image source: Wikipedia.

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Military 101: RMN’s Littoral Costal Ship Design – Big Differences Between Gowind & Sigma Class

RMN Frigate KD Lekiu Jebat Navy Ship

Presently KD Jebat and KD Lekiu are the most capable frigate ships in the Royal Malaysian ‘s fleet with Exocet Block 2 SSM and Wolf SAM and are due to be complemented by the new 6 Maharaja Lela class frigates under the Littoral Coastal Program. Image source: Wikipedia

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Prepping 101: Doomsday Bunker – Part 4: Waste Management And Disposal & Clean Fresh Air Supply

Bunker NBC Air Filtration Doomsday

This will be the last post on the and will be touching one of the key components of a doomsday bunker which is clean air ventilation. The ventilation needs to withstand nuclear, biological and chemical attacks and must be able to toxins from the outside, powerful enough to vent the whole bunker and is easy to be operated manually by a child. Image source: Keep Your Tribe Alive

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Military 101: Philippines, First ASEAN Country To Operate Deadly BrahMos Anti Ship Missiles

Exocet BrahMos Anti-Ship Missiles Military Navy

The operates one of the more reliable and known anti- missiles, the French made Exocet anti-ship missiles starting off with the MM38 version and now operating the newer MM40 Block 2 and SM39 on their 2 submarines. MM38 has a range of 40 kilometres whilst MM40 Block 2 has a range of 72 kilometres. Image source: Naval Analyses.

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Prepping 101: Doomsday Bunker – Part 1: Original Idea & Interesting Samples

Svalbard Global Seed Vault Doomsday Bunker

One of the more famous bunkers in the world is the for seeds – ‘s that holds more than a million varieties of seeds of food crops and it is protected from natural disasters and the temperature is regulated to ensure long term storage of the seeds. Image source: Wikipedia.

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Military 101: F-20 Tigershark – Excellent Fighter That China Helped To Kill

F-20 Tigershark Northrop F-5E RMAF fighter jet aircraft

What if Northrop (now Northrop Grumman) brings back their next evolution of F- 5E fighter which is known as the and update it with the latest and offer it as the next generation light combat fighter? Image source: Wikipedia.

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