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Health 101: Powerful Kriya Yoga: A Quick Introduction

Health Morning Kriya Yoga One Leg Shadow

Kriya Yoga is a form of meditation that involves internal action, discipline, trust and the mechanics of life-making. It is based on the science of breath and aims to help spiritual seekers attain constant communion with the Divine. Image source: Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

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Health 101: Best Ways to Start the Day Based on Indian Ancient Rituals

Indian Good Morning Sunrise

On the last trip to the bookstore, I had to hold of several Indian-related historical books (one is a history of Ashoka the Great with more than 1,000 pages) for a steal. The other is a book on the Ayurveda diet & medicine which has a great deal of food diet for multiple shows. Image source: Pexel / Elias Tigiser

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Health 101: Accurate Computing Bad Calories To Burn Everyday

Calories Weighing Machine Weight Loss Health

Ever since I got hold of a fitness tracker, it has been easier to keep track of the number of steps that I clocked on daily basis and with the workout feature, it is easy to track the number of calories burned for each type of workout. However, losing weight significantly has been a tough effort despite the hours of exercise that I put in on daily basis. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

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