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November 2008

World Event 101: 2008 Mumbai Massacre: Stories of Heroes

Taj Hotel Mumbai Attack 2008 Terrorist India

The Taj was one of the sites of the 2008 attacks, a series of terrorist attacks that took place in November 2008, when 10 members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant Islamist organisation from Pakistan, carried out 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai. Image source: NPR

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NaNoWriMo 101: Tough But Finished the 2008 Completion Line

Nanowrimo storytelling writing story

is short for , a creative challenge that takes place every November. The goal is to write a novel of at least 50,000 words in 30 days, without worrying about quality or editing. Image source: Nanowrimo

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MAIKA Scandal 101: Say NO to Bailouts!

(Although this is unlikely to be entertained by the in view of the weak economic outlook next year, still, it does not stop anyone from questioning the idea of bailout from MIC)

YouTube player

(The trademark of MAIKA AGMs since the scandal broke out. Video source: Malaysiakini)

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Space 101: Using Stellarium For Facinating Space Exploration

Space Stellarium Technology Software Astronomy

If you are interested in astronomy and just like to watch the stars at night and wonder what is the name of the star anywhere in the world, you have to check out the open-source , .

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Malaysia 101: Our Unique Bahasa Malaysia – What’s The Point?

Bangsa Malaysia Unity Bahasa Malaysia Negaraku Hand

At the end of the day, all are in the boat and proud to call ourselves speaking the same , i.e. Bahasa but and lopsided national policies make one think that we are in a different country. Image source: Mob’s Crib

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Malaysia 101: Being Proud Bangsa Malaysia, Unique Bahasa Malaysia

Bangsa Malaysia Unity Bahasa Negaraku Hand

At the end of the day, all are in the boat and proud to call ourselves Bangsa but and lopsided national policies make one think that we are in a different country. Image source: Mob’s Crib

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Tamil Movie Review: Aegan 2008, Ajith’s Passable But Watchable Action Movie

Aegan Ajith tamil movie

(This movie has all the right stuff including 2 of the biggest stars in cinema industry but as usual, things get screwed up by half cooked storyline and bad directing. All images source: Times of India)

Having nothing much to do on a Monday afternoon (ya, I was on leave), I decided to catch a movie. Any movie would do – I and my wife did not have any preference since it has been some time since we last stepped into a cinema. We did not plan to see a particular movie. All we wanted to do to catch the earliest movie that we could see and leave.

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Malaysia 101: Ya, Right! It Has Nothing To Do With Double Standards?

PKNS Unity Malaysia Right

(Double standards with cheering for a change in the USA on the right but does not see it positively for own Malaysians on the left. Copyright @ Zunar – Malaysiakini)

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Design 101: Dealing With Bad Design in IJN Parking

IJN Design

The new has an issue when it comes to which is the process of creating something that meets a specific purpose or goal. Design can be applied to many fields, such as art, engineering, architecture, , etc. Design involves planning, researching, sketching, prototyping, testing, and evaluating the outcome. Image source: Google

Read More »Design 101: Dealing With Bad Design in IJN Parking