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July 2005

My List of (loosely) Diversified Malaysian Blogging


Kucing Gatal (picture shown NOT accurate and based on shoddy eye-witness account – just joking) brought up an important topic on how Malaysian bloggers are obsessed about two things: themselves and food. Picture source:
That was her general observation from PPS. She asked why there are so few different blogs and why can we not focus on something besides ourselves and food?
[Click to read the rest] “My List of (loosely) Diversified Malaysian Blogging”

Big Problems Along The Highway

Something on the lighter side…

Problem: If you see a tire rolling across the highway
Big Problem: The tire is actually from your car!

Problem: If you see a bus driver driving way over the speed limit whilst talking on his handphone and having his lunch all at the same time
Big Problem: If you are one of the passengers in the bus

Problem: If you see a speed demon right behind a slower moving car
Big Problem: If you are the driver of the slower moving car

Problem: If at the R&R, you have nothing to eat except for a suspicious looking nasi goreng but you eat it anyway as you are very hungry
Big Problem: If your suspicious turned out to be correct, the nasi goreng has actually turned stale and your stomach kicks into “overdrive”

Problem: If a very beautiful girl hitchhiked your car but she is not alone.… [Click to read the rest] “Big Problems Along The Highway”

Tech News 101: Bootable Windows XP With SP2 In Just 6 Steps?

windows xp theme

I had this problem last month – my home Windows XP went “dead” and I had no choice but to reformat the entire hard-disc. Sounds easy except for one tiny problem.

This meant I need to redo my Windows Update as well and with a dial-up connection at home, updating Service Pack 2 means I have to wait for ages.

Read More »Tech News 101: Bootable Windows XP With SP2 In Just 6 Steps?

Satire 101: How to talk like a lawyer / law student without being one?

denning legal lawyer

(When I was at law school, we learned about Lord Denning who was the maverick Court of Appeal judge who is ahead of his time and controversial too. He has often championed the rights of the weak, oppressed and the poor. Image source: Pinterest)

Read More »Satire 101: How to talk like a lawyer / law student without being one?

Food 101: Delicious Food in Ghana, West Africa

Whilst most of us think that African lives only on maze and corn (well I did once – watching too much of National Geography), you will be surprised how common some of the foods are in Ghana with Malaysia. When I was there for an assignment last year, we were living mostly of nasi goreng (“fried rice”), Chinese noodles and Indian tandori chicken.
[Click to read the rest] “Food 101: Delicious Food in Ghana, West Africa”

Drama 101: Bartlet As The President of America

(Image source:

President Bush’s administration policies have been whacked left right and centre by the anti-Bush supporters. The worst has been his decisions in Iraq.

Let’s look at this “president” – from the seriesThe West Wing” created by Aaron Sorkin

The scene:-

The atmosphere was electric.

[Click to read the rest] “Drama 101: Bartlet As The President of America”